A Max for Live MIDI device designed for gestural drum rolls. It acts as a sort of delay and will repeat incoming notes at rhythms that you can specify in note value syntax. Presets are stored and recalled by clip names and are written into a human-editable .json file as well as saving with the Live Set.
The Feedback parameter will ramp velocity up or down.
The Stutter Dur will gate the output a certain rhythm after new notes pass through.
The Free/Strict mode will either permit rhythm changes after any repetition, or only when new notes arrive.
The list of rhythms can define non-standard subdivisions such as dotted 13th notes (13nd) or 3rd note triplets (3nt) as well as the standard subdivisions listed here:
Note: There are two keywords that will be omitted from the clip name preset since they are used to change settings of other easr.* devices. "chain_" and "follow_" followed by anything before the next space (e.g. chain_0_4_2) will be skipped over.
So, a clip called "This Clip chain_0 follow_2"
will simply be stored as "This Clip" in the easr.trapar presets.
Tested with Live 10 and Live 11
You can forward any support questions to morgan.m.jenks@gmail.com
Includes the easr.trapar Max for Live MIDI device